Today's Just GQ features a guest post from Bryen Pinkerd, of Bryen's Bootcamp and 21 Days Later. Bryen is a personal trainer out of Louisville, KY, who feels passionately about people adopting healthy lifestyles. His guest post includes an alternate workout, primarily focused on the upper body, although the lower body should not be ignored because no one should look like a Range Rover riding on 5 inch rims. #andthatsreal! You can also follow Bryen on Twitter @pinkdaddy23! Now, let's hear from Bryen!
-This plan was made for male and females.
-For Size stay low reps but high weight.
-For Leaning out stay high reps but low weight.
For a combination of both size and strength vary reps throughout the weeks for instance:
Week 1 and 3 go 10 reps
Week 2 and 4 go 6 reps HEAVY
Chest and Triceps
DB Floor Press |
Lying Skull Crushers |
Pushups |
Twisting Trunk Rotation (DB) (Swiss Ball) |
Leg Scissors |
Crossover Crunch |
Hip Thrust |
Back and Biceps
DB Row |
DB Bicep Curls |
Hammer Curls |
Concentration Curls |
Leg Raise |
Bicycle Kicks |
Full Sit-Ups |
DB Side Bend |
Shoulders/ Traps
Standing Shoulder Press |
Lateral Raise |
Arnold Press |
Shoulder Front Raise |
Bent Over Rear Delt Fly |
DB Shrugs |
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