Thursday, April 28, 2011

Power Struggle

Today's post is a replay from last year that raises issue to a frequently encountered dilemma, the struggle for power in dealings with the opposite sex. Sit up and get ready to CHECK IN THE GAME!

Control within relationships changes hands like a game of hot potato.  Particularly earlier in relationships, a subliminal, undeniable struggle for control/power exists because no one wants to desire someone more than they are. Think of a familiar relationship in its fledging stages, the gaming phase.  Place your interest and yourself on either side in a tug of war with the rope being the control of the relationship and the mud pit being the emotions felt.  1, 2, 3; PULL!  Allow the power struggle to begin. Sound familiar?

Though normal, these antics are juvenile at their core, as well as avoidable, if desired.  Depending on how the players play the game, the stress involved with the period of time in which personalities mesh or repel one another does not have to sub in.  When manipulation is the player’s go-to move, that party uses the tricks to gain control and yield a sense of dependency from the other person involved.  Plain and simple: One plays with the other’s head to make themselves feel needed.

Comfort and trust serve as the cement holding the bricks of the relationship structure together, and without those two fundamental materials the structure will disintegrate.  Once a level of comfort is reached between people then trust may start to be generated between the two parties.  Now, at this point, I know some of you are asking, “How can that level of comfort even be reached, Just GQ?” 

Well, as I stated in “Run, Forrest, Run”, “Avoid overcomplicating simple situations and understanding can be achieved. Clarity lives in simplicity…”.

I starkly stated, in my humble opinion that dodging the tendency to add unnecessary variables to the equation allows for easier arrival at the solution.  Identification of what BOTH parties desire not only allows for clear direction of the relationship, it minimizes game playing and thus the power struggle for control ceases because it loses its importance. Expectations may be discussed and rationalized as feasible or of another sort, enabling clear vision and compromise to commence.  The optimum grade for a relationship is when a both people establish a mutual care for one another with a comfort level that allows for cools to be taken off and natural interaction to exist without pressure.  

Allow for natural progression WITHOUT forcing the issue.  Live in the moment until the moment evolves to become more, and keep situations low stress for easier coexistence.  Thanks for checking in the GAME with the Just GQ blog!  Keep the questions and comments coming.  I love hearing from you all (  God Bless!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

All Aboard the Highway 2 Mars

Nashville hip-hop artist, Stix Izza (@stixizza), is slated to drop the highly anticipated “Highway 2 Mars”, his follow-up to the critically acclaimed “Bridge to Jupiter”. The songwriter, previously signed to Warner Bros. Records, prides himself on creating music that is universal by nature, appealing to a wide range of listeners and fans of various genres. Stix draws inspiration from his life experiences, none of which is greater than the passing of his father when he was just 16 years of age. He pours honest emotion into his music, an element very contrary to the vacant fluff, which saturates the music industry today.

For Highway 2 Mars, Stix teamed up with some Southern music heavy hitters including the likes of radio personalities, Dolewite (@Dolewite101) & Scooby (@RNScoob), well-known entertainment personality, DJ Crisis (@thedjcrisis), who hosts the musical composition, and DJ Fate Eastwood (@fateeastwood), who has produced for major artists such as Yo Gotti, Baby, and Lil’ Weezy F. Baby just to name a few. So gear up and GET HYPED for the new music coming your way from the Southern Entertainment Award winning Stix Izza!

The Power of Mind Reading

“Well, he should know when and why I’m mad.”

In this statement lies one of the great fallacies in relations between the sexes.  Communication, while one of the most basic concepts, remains in a class of the most elusive and difficult to implement. Problems arise as a natural part of life and interaction, but those problems cannot be resolved unless the element of communication is undertaken. Without it, issues may wear a costume of resolution when, in fact, that costume is comprised of 25% neglect and 75% ignore (sold at a store near you)!

Men and women function differently. What angers men may not anger women and vice versa. We possess various triggers, which anger us in a cornucopia of fashions, and a potential inability to initially understand all of the differences is to be expected. However, as interactions progress, so must the involved parties’ ability to increase transparency. Transparency cannot be found in actions filled with guards in an upright position, self-consciousness, or games being played. It can be found in honesty regarding feelings and expectations. Additionally, being transparent promotes finding a match in expectations or detecting where a fit does not exist, saving valuable time, effort, and money in some cases.

Relationships occur in stages, among those: pursuit, exclusivity, and the honeymoon period. Following the honeymoon period, the work begins, and when the work begins, the effectiveness of the communication directly correlates with the effectiveness of the relationship as a whole. As you have heard me say before, relationships are voluntary, so with that in mind, who would willingly subject himself/herself to entry into a relationship with a closed off, semi-transparent person? Would you? What would be the point of that? When things get rough in one's dealings with the other, shutting down is the worst available option because when the involved parties shut down, nothing can get accomplished.
If the relationship is worth having, it is worth working on; so work on it through open, honest communication. Thanks for checking in the GAME with Just GQ! Stay tuned for more updates on by following me on twitter (click HERE)! GOD BLESS!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Star Kitty Takes Flight...Yet Again

Erykah Badu. Jill Scott. Lauryn Hill. These influential neo-soul artists serve as the manifestation of a trail blazed by Joi (Follow her on twitter @JoiGilliam). As an artist, Joi has frequently not been fully credited for her colossal impact on not only the aforementioned genre of music but the industry as a whole, however the artist affectionately referred to as Tennessee Slim has remained relevant within music and broadened her scope of projects to, now, include ownership. Joi has teamed up with business and music partner Devon Lee, the other half of Hot, Heavy & Bad, to revamp the legendary Pal’s Lounge into one of Atlanta’s hot spots for live musical entertainment (located on Auburn Ave.; if you are in Atlanta, STOP BY)!

The alluring legend and chronic trendsetter is best known for her solo projects, including but not limited to Amoeba Cleansing Syndrome and Star Kitty’s Revenge, and plentiful Outkast features on classics such as “Happy Valentine’s Day”, “Ghetto Musick”, and “Movin’ Cool (The Afterparty)” from the motion picture Idlewild. The Nashville native and inaugural African American to model for Calvin Klein, continues to make noise in the music industry, most recently with her work on Big Krit’s new project “Return Of 4Eva”, which featured her sultry, distinguishable vocals on the hit single, “Shake It”. Joi’s latest work has reignited her buzz, just in time for the release of “HHB: Undercover”, her recently released mixtape of new funk and timeless covers, crossing all genres, available for download here.

Last week, I had the opportunity to speak with the musical pioneer about all that she has in the works.

JGQ: How did your work on the Big Krit project occur?

Joi: I got a call from DJ Wally Sparks asking if I would be interested in doing a song with Big Krit, and I said yes. When I heard the track, it immediately reminded me of everything good about southern hip-hop. I was impressed with how his track spoke of a knowledge of southern hip hop history. I was honored to be apart of something that bridges the gap between the new and classic.

JGQ: How do you feel about the general direction of music at the current moment?

Joi: I think the playing field has been leveled greatly by technology. It has its pros and its cons, undeniably; if you can figure out a personal template that works, you can have an awesome career full of limitless creative freedom.

JGQ: So, what can you tell me about the Hot, Heavy, & Bad project?

Joi: “HH&B: Undercover” is a collection of timeless covers from several genres of music, including rock, funk, classical, country, and others. It's free—even better, a gift. Ready for download at The mixtape was created to build buzz for Hot Heavy & Bad and showcase the production style of Flawless Beast Creations. Devon Lee and I comprise HH&B and, as a production collective, Flawless Beast Creations.

JGQ: What is the one thing that lovers of music should know about Joi?

Joi: I create thoughtfully, honestly, and purely. I'm a musical historian of sorts. It's reflected in my music. It makes for an immediate and undeniable connection with those who hear it. It's what humbles me and matters to me most in my art.

Special thanks to the lovely Joi for taking time out of her schedule to talk to Just GQ. Let’s support this legend through downloads and donations on her site! God Bless!

Friday, April 22, 2011

REPLAY: Simple Chivalry

Today on Just GQ, we are featuring a replay of one of your favorite posts, "Simple Chivalry", so without further ado..

Just GQ strives to represent Gentleman Quality.  I designed the Just GQ brand to be all encompassing of the ideals I find important as well as exposing my fanbase to a new outlook on subjects in journalism.

Now, first and foremost, you all know I give ALL glory, honor, and praise to my Creator, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in ALL I do.  Following that, I aim to promote the regeneration of chivalry.  I have been fortunate to interact with a cornucopia of people containing differing personality types and views on the practice of chivalry and overall treatment of people. 

The adversity I often encounter in discussions with my male peers centers around the degree to which they feel women deserve chivalry and the perceived associated effort  required.  Time to CHECK IN!

Reluctance To Chivalry

Chivalry often carries the deceased toe tag, and that can be explained, in part, by the adage “nice guys finish last.” Young men who strive to grow in becoming gentlemen are frequently considered to be “lame” by societal standards—standards that advocate the sub-par treatment of women and value the feeding of ignorance by the spoonful.  Think on THAT!  

During my high school years, the thug movement was in full effect, but during my time in college, I realized that the bad boy is only appealing until women recognize he is going nowhere fast, then she looks to the gentleman who has been on his grind in a more professional, less boisterous way.  In an effort to win the affection of girls fascinated by thug appeal, though, potential gentlemen may change their approach from a respectable manner, which often only wins friendship, to a method directed by arrogance and devalue, which strangely often translates into her tingling with desire to receive this treatment.  Go figure!

I recently took part in a conversation with a friend of mine who shared her view on the lack of men taking part in courting their love interests, a chivalrous practice.  She detailed instructions from her father to only to consider a man who courted her, but the custom of taking ladies out on dates in order to get to know them has been replaced by “You wanna come to the crib and chill? Maybe watch a movie?”  Frequently, I view guys chasing after ladies; serving up offers for mid-priced dates and unsolicited compliments like Roger Federer at Wimbeldon (SMH), and these women, who possess no interest in a man attempting to pursue her “properly”, take them for all they are worth; using them for date after date until the picture becomes clear that they are being dooped.  Now you tell me, who do you know that would sign up for the possibility of that?

But chivalry encompasses more than wooing a potential mate; chivalry is a lifestyle, a lifestyle that requires a renewing of mindset more so than great effort.  This leads me to think that while chivalry has appeared as an orphan in need of adoption, perhaps a reformation of the gentleman is in order!

~Drumroll PLEASE!~

The New Breed of Gentleman

I humbly propose the idea of a new breed of gentleman.  A breed who carries himself with a regal virility complete with a knowledge of the game and the best methods by which to play it; an all around nice guy with an edge, not simply swagger.  Swagger is a fad, and fads fade, but the gentleman is cool, and cool is forever!

Fellas: Incorporate simple chivalry into your daily routine; chivalry is not meant to be a strain on you, but a means to assert yourself as a gentleMAN!  Allow her to enter the room before you do while you hold the door open for her. If you see her carrying bags, offer to help her, and generate conversation while you help.  Chivalry is essentially the uncommon practice of common courtesy.  RENEW your mentality and change may occur!

Ladies: Be receptive to the gentleman.  Recognize when you are approached correctly, and develop the ability to distinguish common courtesy from pursuit!  It is possible for a man to speak to you without a hidden agenda!  Identify how you truly want to be treated, and seek that!  Avoid settling when you deserve better. 

Once again, thanks for CHECKING IN THE GAME with Just GQ!  See you later this week!  God Bless!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Network

Speaking to the pursuit of professional progression, in ANY industry, the effectiveness in which we network holds pivotal importance. Regardless of whether an industry requires formal resumes, employers, mentors, and pretty much anyone who will vouch for your character and ability to contribute will always require at least an informal one. I realize the term, “informal resume” may have some people scratching their heads, so allow me to check in the GAME and explain further.

As some of you know, I am active in the public speaking circuit (e-mail for bookings, by the way), and I will be giving a talk on Monday to students at the University of Illinois. In the interest of dual benefit, I thought I could share with you what I will be speaking about at the engagement. Personal branding in the arena of networking is an applicable skill across the board. In my “Best Foot Forward” seminar, I explain how one’s appearance produces the initial grounds on which he/she will be judged. I will move on because I previously wrote about that specific subject in a previous post.

Secondly, effective delivery of one’s “30 second commercial” or “elevator pitch” affords people the opportunity to buy into you and your vision for your future, and therein lies the purpose of networking—strike common ground and find mutual benefit. An elevator pitch or informal resume is a clear, concise summary of what you have done, want to do, and what you can bring to the table in give or take 30 seconds. Clearly stating one’s elevator pitch helps people evaluate the capacity in which they can help you achieve your goals, so it would benefit you to practice, so you can be prepared, as you NEVER know when an opportunity will present itself!

Lastly, once you look polished and you have practiced your elevator pitch to perfection, it is time to add the cherry on top—confidence. I have often felt like networking, is frequently like displaying interest in the opposite sex; you must be an display an attractive presentation, convey intelligence through your speech, creating intrigue, and portray confidence through proper posture, eye contact, and charisma! See what I did there? Display, convey, portray—nevermind. Lol. Networking is NOT the time to be shy! Closed mouths don’t get fed, and MJ told us “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”!

Thanks for checking in the GAME with Just GQ! Be on the look out for updates on (launch coming SOON!), and also, check out Just GQ on LOOKBOOK! I need y’all to HYPE my looks on there! Let’s GO! GOD BLESS!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Get Right With Boot Camp

Today's Just GQ features a guest post from Bryen Pinkerd, of Bryen's Bootcamp and 21 Days Later. Bryen is a personal trainer out of Louisville, KY, who feels passionately about people adopting healthy lifestyles. His guest post includes an alternate workout, primarily focused on the upper body, although the lower body should not be ignored because no one should look like a Range Rover riding on 5 inch rims. #andthatsreal! You can also follow Bryen on Twitter @pinkdaddy23! Now, let's hear from Bryen!

-This plan was made for male and females. 
-For Size stay low reps but high weight.  
-For Leaning out stay high reps but low weight. 

For a combination of both size and strength vary reps throughout the weeks for instance: 

Week 1 and 3 go 10 reps 
Week 2 and 4 go 6 reps HEAVY 

Chest and Triceps 

DB Floor Press
Lying Skull Crushers
Twisting Trunk Rotation (DB)  (Swiss Ball)
Leg Scissors
Crossover Crunch
Hip Thrust

Back and Biceps 

DB Row
DB Bicep Curls 
Hammer Curls
Concentration Curls
Leg Raise
Bicycle Kicks
Full Sit-Ups
DB Side Bend

Shoulders/ Traps 

Standing Shoulder Press
Lateral Raise   
Arnold Press
Shoulder Front Raise
Bent Over Rear Delt Fly
DB Shrugs

Monday, April 18, 2011

At Bat vs. On Deck

As you all know, I have an athletic background, playing three sports in high school (basketball, football, and track in case you were curious) and football in college—shoutout to the Cardinal Nation! Participation in athletics doubles in purpose, as many situations encountered in sports, on and off the field of play, occur in real life; persevering through difficult conditions, working effectively with a team, completing undesired tasks to improve, among other examples. Coaches often charge their players to play harder, faster, and better discouraging complacency because there is always another player who is hungry and ready to take your position.

As I migrated to college from high school, I, like many other people during that time in life, was faced with the decision of whether or not I would stay with my girlfriend. With the combination of distance and young adult freedom working against us, I was ultimately romanced by the college life and neglected her in pretty much every way possible. When she text me, I responded with the signature “one word response”; when she called at night, I was too busy to talk at all because I was going out. I immersed myself into the “college life” until I started to miss her.

I would inquire, during conversations, about the people she was meeting at her school and, of course, the guys whose attention she had grabbed, making sure that I was still occupying the number one spot in her mind. There was always one guy’s name, which I kept hearing involved in innocent activities, as far as I knew, but nevertheless, he remained around her. Let’s call him Scooter. Shortly after I attempted to make up for lost time and become super boyfriend, as I had previously served about as much purpose as a Tyler Perry movie (that would be a negative), I realized that Scooter had been filling the emotional (again, as far as I knew) void of my lady.

Panicked, I quickly became desperate to get her back, which I did, briefly, before realizing that we were in two different states, geographically and mentally (see what I just did there? Lol). Scooter had been looming in the wings and “nice guyed” his way right on into the picture while I, unknowingly, was sabotaging myself with every missed ignored phone call and making her decision simple. I became complacent and took her for granted, and there was someone else ready to take my starting spot.

I have also been on the other side of this general scenario where I sought out a nice, young lady who happened to have a boyfriend at the time. Once I had acquired this information, I pulled back the proverbial reigns and cruised in the “nice guy friend” mode, casually observing her then boyfriend making the very same mistakes that had led to the demise of my aforementioned relationship. Never making any aggressive moves, I listened and provided unbiased semi-biased feedback when asked for my opinion, filling the emotional void that had been neglected until I became the only focus.

While these scenarios featured the female as the pursued party, make no mistake about it; guys can just as easily be pursued and appealed to if his lady neglects her—let’s see, how should I say, voluntary relationship responsibilities—yeah, I like that. Whenever you are checked in the game, know that someone is on the sideline stretching, and waiting for you to mess up, so they can take your starting position!

Thanks for checking in the GAME with #JustGQ! Stay tuned for more posts, and follow @GQ50 on twitter for updates! COMING SOON!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Three Reasons Why I Get Hyped For Spring

As my first northern winter, which was brutal, has subsided and spring emerges, I can hardly contain my excitement for warm weather, replacing overbearing down coats with polos and shorts! In my enthusiasm, I started thinking, "Why do I get so hyped for warm weather's return?" And thus, I present to you...drumroll, allowing anticipation to build... MY TOP 3 REASONS WHY I GET HYPED FOR SPRING!

THREE! The return of the cookout; some of my fondest memories derive from spontaneous congregations surrounded by blue skies, buns, and brats! Cookouts are great reasons to go to a park or someone's house and just chill with great food, friends, and fun! (Gotta love alliteration!) They can also supplement one's food cost with surpluses of vittles usually being prepared and the art of the "to-go plate" keeping your refrigerator stocked!

TWO! Sundress season. 'Nuff said! Yup, the sundress, the maxi dress, whatever, you gotta love it!

And the number ONE reason why I get hyped for spring is...

THE KENTUCKY DERBY! For my abroad readers and those not familiar with the event, the Derby is a celebration concluded on the first Saturday in May every year with the "Run for the Roses" at Churchill Downs, the most famous and highly touted horse race in the sport! The actual Derby Day is preceded by festivities including but not limited to fireworks, air shows, chow wagons, and parties, LOTS of parties. Celebrities and non-celebrities, alike, flock to the Bluegrass State to take part in the activities surrounding "the most exciting two minutes in sports"! Black tie galas motivate everyone to drape themselves in the best their closets and/or often shopping can offer to impress at each outing! BUT my words do not do the Derby the proper amount of justice, so my advice would be to visit and take part in the Derby!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Components of Self

Random mood.. Hopefully, this will be interesting to someone.. Enjoy!

I am first and foremost a child of God; my faith is my foundation, my rock. I pride myself on being a bit of an anomaly, a jack of all trades, a multifaceted being; a smart athlete, a respectable ladies’ man, a progressive minority. I intend on dispelling the expression one should not be a jack of all trades but a master at one. I fully believe the human mind and space for ambition are capable of mastering multiple areas, functioning effectively. I possess a distinct distain for negative people. As my friends have heard me say frequently, “Hating takes ZERO effort.” Simple, yet painfully true.

I am the quintessential extrovert. I greet others with excitement and hugs. I enjoy meeting new people and getting to know them. I believe, for the most part, that value can be discovered in finding common ground with new and old people. Generally speaking, I have found that one can most easily understand why people act in the manner they do through casual observance of interaction with them. The ability to coexist with others (i.e. interpersonal skills) belongs to a class of the most basic, yet most evasive skills essential to succeeding in life. The fact of the matter is that not everyone will like you, and you will most certainly not like everyone, but in some capacity you MUST learn to coexist, be cordial, and sometimes collaborate in order to become successful. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, so I will assume that you assume “for the most part” applies. I strive to positively impact people’s lives. Through interaction. Through words. Through actions. Through testimony. Granted, I have not achieved all that I intend to achieve, reached all the heights I intend to reach, I know that I have not gotten to where I currently reside without help from my fellow man. In order to pay homage to those who helped me, I must continue in helping the next man. With this mentality, we can rise as a people. Cooperation is key!

The struggles we encounter are truly a blessing in disguise because they provide a platform from which we can grow if we allow ourselves to do so. The Lord uses the struggle as a catapult to launch us to the attainment of the goals for which we toil. Our labor and usage of the gifts, talents, and opportunities with which we have been blessed serve as a personal statement of effort in reaching our full potential. If we fail to maximize our potential, we do a disservice to our Creator, our parents, those who love us, and everyone who invested in us. This is what I believe.

I am not perfect. I never claim to be. I admit faults—if you convince me I am incorrect. I am a proud individual, and, that pride causes me to never accept defeat! I am not a relationship expert, but I am an observer in all aspects of my interests and life. My content is based on insight into my experiences and observations. I dream big, love hard, and value loyalty as much as I give it. I lead the pack, though I understand the associated benefit in following UNTIL you learn to lead. I possess a hustler’s mentality, and while the settings may change, the principles remain the same. I am a brand, and take great pride in protecting that brand. I will, if it is in God’s Will, achieve all I want and more for He will make my cup runneth over!

Hopefully this appealed to someone. I, only, desired to be candid for a bit, and offer a look into the components of myself. Until next time. God Bless!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm A Gentleman...Most of the Time

Prior to creating the Just GQ blog, I posted “Daily Acts of Chivalry” on Facebook and Twitter to gauge the initial response to my ideas. The DAOC were practices as simple as “if you see a lady struggling with full and/or heavy bags, then offer a helping hand to ease her load” to things more uncommon such as “though, you may be tired, if there is a shortage of chairs, offer yours to the lady instead of making her stand”. These tips proved to be well received by my readers, and just as people, now, say “check in the game” frequently when they see me due to reading the blog and/or following me on Twitter (@GQ50, by the way), conversations often opened with verbal high-fives for the initializing #TheGentlemansMovement with the aforementioned tips.

As more people read the DAOC and identified the suggestions with me, the comments began to change slightly. For instance, at my college institution, like many, students congregated at the student center around lunchtime. Whereas before I could rush from class, grab something to eat, and hug some people just in time to be 5 minutes late to my next class, at the later time, numerous readers, particularly female, bombarded me with requests for special treatment.

Those close to me know this angered me on multiple levels, particularly because I absolutely hate being told what to do, especially when it is in NO way something that I need to do. I mean, I would be a football field ahead of someone and have the open door passed to me, continuing to pass it along, and ladies would be upset that I did not wait the extra minute and a half to personally welcome them with an open door. Now, needless to say these comments were dismissed pretty quickly, as I had more pressing things to do, like eat, but it got me thinking.

Did this warped perception of chivalry hold merit? Does the perception of being a gentleman actually determine one’s status as such? Further thought brought me to the conclusion that if being a gentleman was defined by the incorrect idea held by people who knew nothing of the practice, then they could have it! And that’s real! Acting as a gentleman means having and/or displaying a courteous nature. Nowhere in its definition does it state that the man must function as a contortionist, constantly bending over backwards for some random broad! (Takes deep breath) Please excuse me; I got a little excited.

Basically, I located a fallacy, a misconception in the perception of chivalry. All people deserve a certain degree of respect, however not every female is deserving of special treatment, at least in my opinion. I believe that this feeling of entitlement generates the annoyance associated with men displaying chivalrous behavior, and the acceptance of these female rants leads to men getting taken advantage of in many cases.

Chivalry is not meant to destroy the flow of one’s day, it is meant to display common courtesy to enhance the quality of another person’s day and/or mood. That’s it! If a female fails to conduct herself as a lady, then I would not hold my breath while waiting for the royal treatment she perceives to be a male obligation.

At the end of the day, males can either do it or not in regards to exhibiting chivalrous behavior, but before getting upset over the special treatment you do not receive, I would adjust or definition or accept that, by those standards, I’m a gentleman…most of the time.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Good afternoon everyone! Today marks Just GQ's first birthday! It's a celebration! #shoutout to Kofi Asirifi (@FxcknKofi), Vet & YP MUSIC (@YP_music) on the music in the video! Thank YOU for your support! Let's keep rolling! Follow me on Twitter @GQ50 and BECOME A FAN on Facebook (by clicking the blue Just GQ above in the post) for updates on things to come from Just GQ!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just GQ Features!

As we approach the one year anniversary of the blog (TOMORROW...GET HYPED), Just GQ posts are being featured on and this week! PLEASE support these Just GQ supporters as they have been a great help in the progression of the blog, overall! Also, there will be a video blog going up tomorrow to celebrate the JUST GQ ANNIVERSARY, just an FYI, so GET EXCITED! GOD BLESS!

P.S. I realize that the picture shown above is random, but in case you haven't figured it out, I am pretty random too. Plus, funny fat cats make me laugh. I can't explain it, and don't judge me!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back To the Real World

So, I, like many of the other members of my generation, grew up in the 90s and early 2000s watching the original reality television show, The Real World. The real life drama with changing locale produced a number of television memories all viewers share. If I can level with you all, I kinda always wanted to be on it, too! Don’t judge me.

With the last season I remember watching being circa 2002, I was pretty over the show, that is, until…(drumroll please) REAL WORLD: LAS VEGAS (Comes on MTV, Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST, in case you are interested)! I started back watching on a whim, and it has not come close to disappointing. There has been non-stop action, confrontation, and everything you could want from mind-numbing television! As I watched the last episode, I began to reminisce over the past seasons and my favorite characters, who established my loyalty to the show, and with that being said, I wanted to share my TOP FIVE REAL WORLD STARS with you.

5. Mike AKA “The Miz” – Fulfilling the role of the sheltered White male, Mike fell victim to seemingly harmless curiosity taken the wrong way by Coral, the roommate famous for both instigating and participating in countless altercations. With the initial argument in the past “The Miz”, a wrestling personality frequently acted by Mike, made the most of his experience and furthered his desire to become a WWE star, which he did as he is, now, the reigning WWE Champion.

4. Coral – The aforementioned antagonist in a multitude of situations on the Real World, Coral continued her time on MTV on multiple challenges in pursuit of perpetuated relevance within pop culture and cash prizes.

3. Alton – Though he considerably resembled Donatello, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, the extreme sports enthusiast received my unwavering respect for scooping one of THE BADDEST female personalities on the show, Irulan.

2. Irulan – This Real World beauty, starred alongside Alton, in the 2002 season in Las Vegas, coincidentally. She revealed a touch of crazy at times during her time on the show, most famously in a house smashing real fight turned play with Alton.

1. Teck – At the number 1 spot, Teck AKA “Teck Money” transcended the role of a Real World personality. Clearly, the star of the Hawaii season, Teck captured the attention of audiences with his cool demeanor and numerous “friends” he visited, had visit the house, and had in the house. Wait for it. Lol. Teck did not stop at the Real World, as he enjoyed a brief stint as an MTV VJ, before beginning a lengthy film and television career. Teck has appeared in projects including, but not limited to, Van Wilder, First Daughter, Friends, and Lincoln Heights.

Honorable Mention

